August 12th 2024
The next meeting scheduled: As always is the 2nd Monday of the month.
Members: If you have let you membership laps: You have to be reinstated to continue using the club facilities.
Trap of course is open to the public.
There is a new form for members to use when sponsoring potential members.
The indoor range has a new addition , a prototype power target retrieval system on one of the bays.
Please use the new system, we are testing out the electronics and want to see if they stand up to everyday use.
The RSO'S can explain the workings.
Open Sundays, and Tuesday nights
Trap is open to the public, guests are welcome
weather you want to shoot or just watch.
Our range is in the lower field at 267 North Orange Street.
Range safety officers will be their to ensure we all have a safe and enjoyable time.
You can read about our Junior program and how to Join here!
Just a download away.
It is against the law to carry a pistol or revolver into New York State unless it is to a registered shoot or you're passing through.
Out of state shooters : We sponsor an NRA registered shoots which allows you to shoot at our Club all year both indoor and out.
Annual dues are $60 for seniors and $25 for juniors. (Juniors are under twenty one.)
For new members applications.
We require the sponsors membership number
Juniors will need the signature of a parent or guardian on their application.
Juniors parents are not required to be members.
New member: There is a one time $100 initiation fee for joining the club or
re-joining the club .... if you let your membership laps.
Important: Please see waiver section below.
The waiver must be sent in with your yearly dues and application.
Application Tristates (pdf)
DownloadThe Tri-States Rod & Gun Club Sponsors Form
All new members have to have a sponsor to join Tri-States.
Sponsors fill out this verification form so that the new member is made aware of what is expected while using the facility.
Please down load this form fill it out and sign it and give it to the membership secretary with the application and waiver forms.
The form must be filled out by the members sponsor and filed with the members paperwork
Form Filed by Sponsor (pdf)
DownloadWaiver required for club insurance purposes
Please download the file and mail along with your dues.
This is a new requirement for all members and guests who use the range property.
Indoor ranges are now open Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Friday from 7 to 9pm.
For Pistol and archery outdoors by the clubhouse please use the sign in box at the right hand corner of the range as you come through the gate .
The big bore sign in is where the big bore has been for the last 60 Years.
Don't forget to sign in and keep you membership card
in plain sight when ever you are on the property.
Well after much discussion and after years of consideration we have pieced together what we think is a way of making the club a fun and safe place for the use of firearms. Please take some time and read the file
Club activities - With additional Live fire self defence training course!
Copyright © 2024 Tri-States Rod & Gun Club - All Rights Reserved.
Our Website will always be updating.